
Scheduler API Instructions

Making API Calls

To interact with the Scheduler API, you will need to make HTTP requests to the appropriate endpoints. The base URL for all API requests is given below: (opens in a new tab)


Authentication is required for most of the API endpoints. You must include a valid bearer token in the Authorization header of your HTTP request to access protected resources.

To obtain an API token, follow these steps:

  1. Create user: Create a user by providing the valid details.

  2. Obtaining token: In the response to the login request, you will receive an access token. This access token should be included in the Authorization header of your subsequent API requests as follows:

    Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN

    Replace YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN with the actual access token obtained during the login process. Now you have a valid access token that can be used to authenticate your API requests to access protected resources. Be sure to keep your access token secure and do not share it publicly.

Response conventions

Every successful response follows the below convention:

"response": {
    "data" : ...

Every failed/error response follows the below convention:

"response": {
    "error" : ...

Note: Tokens are valid for 30 days.